May is Asthma Awareness Month. Is your asthma controlled?
Doctor: How has your asthma been?
Patient: Fine (except for that coughing at night and shortness of breath when I exercise and …)
Most patients would wish for a cure for their asthma. Sorry, at the current time, that’s not possible. But, asthma can be controlled!
What is asthma control?
Your asthma is controlled when you are:
Using your albuterol less than 2x a week
Having nighttime symptoms less than 2x a week (no night symptoms if less than 4 years old)
Attending school and not missing work due to asthma
Exercising and being active without asthma symptoms
Having a normal lung function
Not needing prednisone more than once a year
Not needing to go to the ER or hospital in the past year
If you were able to answer YES to each of those 7 questions, congratulations, your asthma is in control!
If you answered No to any of those 7 questions, then call and make an appointment with your asthma specialist. At Family Allergy Asthma & Sinus Care, our goal is to help you control your asthma. We will develop an individualized Asthma Action Plan specifically for you based on your level of asthma severity.
For more asthma resources view:
Control your asthma, don’t let asthma control you!